National Shoot to Retrieve Association Distinguished Member Award 2015
Jim Mahoney - Ohio Region
At well over six feet tall, with a big booming voice and a hearty laugh, it would be hard to ignore Jim Mahoney. And Jim has been involved in almost every aspect of NSTRA membership. A lifetime NSTRA member, Jim has been influencing this organization for a long time. He is a past national president and Ohio region president, taking over that spot in the late 80’s when the region was in need of stability. Jim’s collaborative leadership style helped the region grow in a time when declining membership was becoming all too familiar across our organization.
He participates in weekend trials throughout the country and has provided the ever-popular Mahoney Farms ground for field trials in the Ohio region.
Jim can be found at almost every national field trial and rarely fails to take home a placement with whatever dog he is currently running. Just this year, his young dog Jake brought home the runner-up placement in the Ohio Region Elimination. He also has a NSTRA Hall of Fame dog, Tomoka’s Hot Spot. He is a consistent and competitive trialer who is more than willing to lend an ear and offer his advice to members from across the country. He is always willing to educate newer, less experienced members of NSTRA on judging, breeding or trialing of bird dogs.
Field trialer, trainer, breeder, mentor, judge, national and regional officer, trial chairman, Hall of Famer and now Distinguished Member, Jim has occupied and performed well in every part of NSTRA to date. We are looking forward to his next success in the NSTRA realm.